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506 625 430


30-31.12 - 2pm-7pm


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+48 504 856 500, + 48 504 063 337, + 48 12 619 87 22



Sheffield Telegraph - (29 III 2002)

The Cracow Philharmonic Orchestra

"An exceptionally fine orchestra and an outstanding performance of Strauss's Also Sprach Zarathustra which overflowed with Straussian sweep, beauty and passion from beginning to end.
Never can be 'pinched' snatches of it for Der Rosenkavalier 15 years later have being so pointed.
The powerful, well - known opening section wasn't overdone for effect by conductor Tomasz Bugaj, and hence it sounded part of the work, not a spectacular adjunct which bore no relation to it.
Much more cataclysmically awesome were the big climaxes in the Convalescent and Night - Wanderer's Song sections, the former's opening fugal passagework being both weighty and detailed.
Bugaj got great consistency of feel and flow between the sections which make up the whole Even the Song of Science section, which can sound disparate, didn't.
The string - playing was much - free and richly rhapsodic, especially in the Afterworldsmen section, while the solo violin parts were played with considerable tonal warmth by Wiesław Kwaśny, the orchestra's leader.
(...) Debussy's 'Faun' Prelude was beautifully shaped and phrased by Bugaj, a strongly lyrical conductor whose musicality throughout was a consistent delight."

Bernard Lee

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